This African Nation Has Named Its First Chief Heat Officer. Here's What It Means
Eugenia Kargbo has been appointed as Africa's first chief heat officer in Sierra Leone, to shield her city from the dangerous effects of climate change. Miami and Athens have already appointed heat officers: Jane Gilbert and Eleni Myrivili.
Kargbo wants her two children to be able to walk the city streets without fear of heatstroke. In this role, she has one year to make a difference to peoples' lives in her city.
Coastal Deforestation Fuels More Frequent Storms In West Africa, Study Warns
Storms are hitting the densely populated coastal pocket of West Africa twice as frequently as 30 years ago, a new study says. Declining forest cover is fueling this increased storm frequency in the coastal regions of southern West Africa. With the loss of forests, the daytime temperature difference between land and sea is widening, generating stronger winds and feeding convective storms.