Interview with Prof. Pamela Dube, Vice-Chancellor of Central University of Technology
Speaking with AfricaLive, Prof. Pamela Dube, Vice-Chancellor of Central University of Technology in South Africa, has put forward an exciting vision for South Africa’s universities of technology to play a key role in tackling challenges in diverse areas from healthcare to the adoption of artificial intelligence.
And, at the Central University of Technology, building new international partnerships both with academia and industry is at the heart of development.
“There is more to be achieved when we work together on a global level. Even the local problems tend to have slight differences, but they tend to be quite common across the globe.
We cannot solve all the challenges we have only at a local level. The partnerships with international role players are very important. So, for me, the whole exchange of knowledge and knowledge transfer at an international level and the diversity of it across disciplines only serves to enrich what we’re trying to achieve as a sector in terms of education, research, economic growth, job creation, and also in terms of really solving the bigger global challenges.
We need to work together as bigger international partners. Now, with all the developments that have happened with online education, internationalization is not necessarily limited to international travel. There’s a lot of internationalization at home that is already taking place.”
Read the full interview, Prof. Pamela Dube In Conversation with AfricaLive>>