AI and other digital technologies present an opportunity for African farmers to leapfrog more traditional means of agricultural development. From early disease detection to precision agriculture, data-driven innovations can optimize resource use efficiency.

Robotics and automation also facilitate tasks like weeding and harvesting, compensating for labor shortages. Climate-smart approaches powered by AI help farmers adapt to changing weather patterns in real-time.
Here are some of the projects seeking to shape Africa’s agricultural future through combining AI with agritech;

ITIKI – AI meets indigenous knowledge in a project incubated at The Central University of Technology

Country: South Africa, with additional projects in Mozambique and Kenya.
Project Overview: ITIKI is an innovative solution created by a team at the Central University of Technology in South Africa. The project combines AI with indigenous knowledge to forecast droughts, bridging traditional methods and modern technology. Dr. Muthoni Masinde, the project’s lead, has spearheaded ITIKI’s development, focusing on utilizing indigenous signs, such as the behavior of birds and the flowering of certain plants, alongside satellite data to predict weather patterns accurately. This approach has been particularly effective in areas where modern meteorological data is scarce or unreliable.
Further Information: Feature on ITIKI
Country: Kenya
Project Overview: Developed under the PlantVillage project by Penn State University in collaboration with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Nuru is an AI-powered tool designed to help Kenyan farmers diagnose plant diseases. Using machine learning algorithms, Nuru images taken by farmers of their crops to identify potential diseases and pest damage. This tool represents a significant advancement in agricultural technology by providing real-time, accessible, and accurate diagnostic services, thereby enabling better crop management and protection strategies.
Further Information: Scholar Media Africa on Nuru

Debo Engineering Agritech

Country: Ethiopia
Project Overview: Founded by young Ethiopian engineers, Debo Engineering specializes in developing AI and IoT (Internet of Things) solutions tailored for agriculture. Their products include a pest prediction model and a soil analysis tool that employ machine learning algorithms to provide actionable insights to farmers. By addressing specific challenges such as pest infestations and soil degradation, Debo Engineering aims to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability in Ethiopia and beyond.


Country: Zambia
Project Overview: Agripredict is an AI solution that anticipates the risk of pests, diseases, and unfavorable weather conditions. Developed by a Zambian startup, it uses machine learning to analyze various data points, from weather data to historical crop performance, to offer predictions and recommendations to farmers. This tool is particularly valuable in a region where agriculture is heavily affected by climate variability and where access to timely and accurate information can significantly impact farm output.
Impact: The application has been crucial in reducing crop losses and improving yields, directly impacting food security and economic stability for farmers. Its proactive approach offers a model for climate resilience in agriculture.
Further Information: Agripredict Official Website


Country: South Africa
Project Overview: Aerobotics is a Cape Town-based company that provides AI-driven insights for tree and vine farmers through drone and satellite technology. Their platform, Aeroview, uses machine learning to analyze imagery data, detecting pest and disease outbreaks, nutrient deficiencies, and water stress among crops. This enables farmers to take targeted action, reducing unnecessary expenditure on pesticides and fertilizers, and optimizing irrigation practices.
Impact: Aerobotics serves thousands of farms worldwide, significantly improving crop yield, reducing inputs like water and chemicals, and promoting environmental sustainability. Its technology has demonstrated substantial economic benefits by optimizing farm management.
Further Information: Aerobotics Official Website

Artificial Intelligence for Development (AI4D)

Country: Pan-African
Project Overview: The AI4D initiative aims to foster innovation in AI across Africa to address agricultural challenges. It supports research and development projects that apply AI to food systems, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and food security. By building a network of AI researchers and practitioners across the continent, AI4D seeks to catalyze technological advancements that can have a tangible impact on Africa’s agricultural sector, focusing on innovation, education, and capacity building.
Project Overview: The AI4D initiative aims to foster innovation in AI across Africa to address agricultural challenges. It supports research and development projects that apply AI to food systems, promoting sustainable agricultural practices and food security. By building a network of AI researchers and practitioners across the continent, AI4D seeks to catalyze technological advancements that can have a tangible impact on Africa’s agricultural sector, focusing on innovation, education, and capacity building.
Impact: While quantifiable impacts are evolving, AI4D’s potential lies in creating a sustainable agricultural future through innovation. It aims to improve food security, enable climate-smart farming practices, and foster economic growth within the agricultural sector.


“However, this indigenous knowledge is disappearing because young people have left the village and don’t want to be associated with it. They consider it primitive.” 

ITIKI team with local smallholder farmers in Mozambique
Indicator Meaning Table Header
South Africa

01. Birds building nests at higher locations

02. Early blooming of certain indigenous flowers

01. Indication of heavy rains

02. Suggests an early start to the rainy season


01. Sudden increase in termite activity

02. Observations of the moon and stars’ positions and appearances

01. Indicates impending changes in weather, such as the onset of rains

02. Insights into upcoming weather patterns


01. Changes in temperature and wind direction

02. Restless behaviour in domestic animals like cattle

01. Indicators of approaching weather conditions

02. Hint at imminent weather changes


01. Appearance of rainbows, flowering of trees, behaviour of ants and frogs

01. Forecast weather and climate conditions.

South Africa

01. “Dirty” moon (A hazy or halo-encircled moon)

01. Significant rainfall expected. Farmers adjust planting schedules, stock up on water, and prepare drainage based on this observation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

ITIKI, which stands for Indigenous and Scientific Drought Forecasting Techniques Integration, is a drought forecasting service. It uniquely combines local indigenous knowledge with scientific drought forecasting techniques to provide accurate and timely weather predictions to smallholder farmers in Africa.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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