Botswana's Future: Built on Youth and Innovation

Full Interview: Prof. Alinah Segobye In Conversation With AfricaLive

In an interview with AfricaLive, the Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) in Botswana, Prof. Alinah Segobye shares her perspective on the country’s challenges and the potential of its young generation. “I’m extremely excited and confident because, like other African countries, Botswana has a very youthful population. The younger generation is less inhibited in their use of technology and are willing to take risks in experimental areas of their lives,” Segobye notes.

Segobye highlights how Botswana’s youth are embracing technology, breaking barriers, and creating innovative solutions across various sectors, from agribusiness and tourism to creative industries and entrepreneurship. 

However, she also emphasizes the need for greater global visibility and partnerships to support these young innovators.

Read the full interview to learn more about how Botswana is harnessing the potential of its youth to build a promising future.

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